Within Cayuga County
From Cayuga County Department of Planning, a link to the final Improving Manure Management: Agenda for Action (PDF).
Links to helpful water quality information from our partners in Owasco Lake Watershed Management.
Current Owasco Lake water level
June 22, 2016 press release from the City of Auburn regarding lake water level
Current water level at Owasco Inlet below Aurora Street in Moravia
Current water level at Owasco Outlet at Genesee Street, Auburn
From Dr. John Halfman at the Finger Lakes Institute, a link to 2019 Owasco Lake water quality monitoring data (PDF).
From the Citizen, a summary of the 2/17/16 Wednesday Morning Roundtable about water quality protection efforts in Cayuga County.
From Cayuga County Water Quality Management Agency, links to sections of the draft Owasco Lake Watershed and Waterfront Revitalization Plan.

Residential Guidelines for homeowners in the Owasco Lake watershed from the Cayuga County Water Quality Management Agency
Beyond Cayuga County
From NYS DEC, information about zero-phosphorus fertilizers and water quality.
From NYS DOH, information about potential health effects associated with exposure to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).
From NYS DEC, information about recognizing water quality conditions unsuitable for recreation.
From NYS DOH, information about reporting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).